As If Example. example [noun] one that serves as a pattern to be imitated or not to be imitated.

He looks as if he knows the answer (he knows the answer) If we put the verb preceding as if / as though into the past tense the present simple knows changes into past simple whereas the past subjunctive knew stays the same Therefore both sentences will read as follows He looked as if he knew the answer.
As if and as though English Grammar Today Cambridge
Sentence Examples Still it’s not as if he has been a complete dud when it comes to raising money Eerie bluelit stemware suspended above the adjoining glassedin bar as if some enormous jellyfish had just swum into view.
As if definition of as if by The Free Dictionary
Examples of as if in a Sentence she looked as if she wanted to ask one more question before we left First Known Use of as if 13th century in the meaning defined at sense 1 Learn More About as if Time Traveler for as if The first known use of as if was in the 13th century See more words from the same century Dictionary Entries Near as if asiento.
The asif rule
Sentence Examples Still it’s not as if he has been a complete dud when it comes to raising money Eerie bluelit stemware suspended above the adjoining glassedin bar as if some enormous jellyfish had just swum into view.
My English Class As Like As If As Though
As if and as though English Grammar Today Cambridge
as sentence examples The best 464 a sentence Use as in
Using As as in English, Example Sentences with As
AS IF / AS THOUGH Grammaring
Example Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
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How to use the Excel IF function (In Easy Steps)
AS IF English Definition and Meaning
As if Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
As if Idioms by The Free Dictionary