Bdo Nimms Ring. got to go to the grave that is just west of Heidel I just did this quest and found the guy that gave the ring over there! 2 level 2 theimmortalfire1 Op 2y Thanks! r/blackdesertonline The subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert developed by Pearl Abyss Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r.
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Yes you get the ring from Derek nimms and then have to take it back to ahon level 1 3 points 1 year ago Yeah that mission's a bitch You gotta go back to Derek Nimms before talking to the woman level 2 1 point 1 year ago Dude doesn't show fo.
Derek Nimms not spawning? : blackdesertonline
BDO SEA Community BDO SA Community ID 42489 Derek Nimms's Ring KR name 데렉 님스의 반지 General Weight 000 LT – Bound when obtained (Family) – Description An old ring Derek Nimms handed over It is a token of friendship exchanged betw.
Ghost of the past quest (derek nimms ring) Black Desert
Go to Heidel and look at your left on the map right at Alejandro Farm Video Duration 22 secViews 57KAuthor Bangsco.
Derek Nimms's Ring BDO Codex
talk to Derek Nimms one more time and he'll give you the key to give Ahon Kirus It's easy to accept the next quest and move on but there is more dialogue from him Reply 2 Arydona 25012018 0237 Cannot get him to interact at all to get the ring fro.
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Anyone finished this quest on xbox, i try bus i don’t have
Derek Nimm's Ring : blackdesertonline
BDO Derek Nimms's Ring Item
BDO Derek Nimms
Derek Nimms's Ring An old ring Derek Nimms handed over It is a token of friendship exchanged between Goyen and Derek Nimms as they sworn to be brothers for each other Please note that Availability table only shows if the current object implemented in the game client or not However this object could be always disabled server side.