Bus Cirebon Bandung. Bandung to Cirebon by train The train journey time between Bandung and Cirebon is around 4h 9m and covers a distance of around 223 km Services are operated by Kereta API Typically seven trains run weekly although weekend and holiday schedules can vary so check in advance 7 Weekly Trains 4h 9m Average Duration ticket Rp85000 Cheapest Price.

bulan ini bus jurusan cirebon bandung sudah beroperasi atau belum ya? Nur Alim 07 July 2020 4 / 5 Jadwal hari ini Cirebon Bandung jam berapa yah gani alparizi 05 May 2020 5 / 5 Kalau boleh tau apa besok masih tetap beroprasi omm Breyy Brx 31 March 2020 4 / 5 cirebon bandung lebih nyaman pake bis maaf om apa sekarang masih operasi sya mau ke cileunyi Odo Dado.
Jadwal dan Tarif Bus BHINEKA Dari BANDUNG CICAHEUM ke …
Jadwal dari CIREBON 0500 0700 1500 1700 * Tarif Terjauh Rp 100K130K Info Lengkap Lewat Telp Agen Bandung 0812 14000 900 Cirebon 0812 14000 600 Note jadwalbiscom membantu Anda dalam memperkirakan informasi tarif dan jadwal bus namun TIDAK ADA JAMINAN ketepatan informasi jadwaltarif maupun informasi lainnya.
12 Agen Travel Cirebon Bandung Terdekat Murah Nyaman Mulai …
Cirebon to Bandung Bus Service Avg Bus Duration Buses depart from Bus arrives in Daily Bus Services Cheapest Bus Tickets 4 hours 15 mins Cirebon Bandung 3 IDR 150000 Cirebon to Bandung Bus Distance Earliest Bus 0500 Last Bus 1700 Distance 239 km Redbus Ensures SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SUPPORT Our customer support will ensure to service all your queries.
BUS EKA PATAS Surabaya – Bandung
Bandung Cirebon Bus & Travel As one of the cities directly adjacent to Central Java Cirebon is a popular destination in West Java Due to its strategic location Cirebon has become one of the developed cities but also does not forget its cultural characteristics as one of the centers of the spread of Islam in its time Even now Cirebon already has many developing creative industries.
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4 ways Bandung to Cirebon to travel via train, bus, taxi
Cirebon to Garut 4 ways to travel via train, bus, taxi
Brebes 4 via train ways to travel Bandung to Kabupaten
Cirebon Bandung Bhinnekashuttle.com
Bandung to Cirebon Bus Book Bus Tickets Online on …
Diskon 10% Bus Cirebon ke Bandung, harga mulai Easybook
Bandung to Cirebon by bus from IDR 315,000
Pesan Tiket Bus Online Bandung Cirebon di Traveloka
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Jadwal dan Tarif Bus SAHABAT Dari BANDUNG CICAHEUM ke …
Jadwal dan Tarif Bus BANDUNG CICAHEUM CIREBON 2022
Cirebon to Bandung 4 ways to travel via train, bus, taxi
10% OFF Bus Bandung to Cirebon fr IDR 200K Easybook
Bus Eka hadir di kota Bandung pada 11 Desember 2020 lalu Rute yang di lalui adalah Surabaya – Madiun – Solo – Semarang – Cirebon – Sumedang – Bandung – Cimahi Harga Tiket dari Surabaya ke Bandung Rp 230000 ( belum termasuk service makan 2x ) dengan menggunakan Unit JetBus 3+ HDD Adi Putro beserta Air Suspension untuk menambah.