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eDaftar adalah aplikasi permohonan pendaftaran fail cukai pendapatan untuk pembayar cukai baru mendapatkan nombor rujukan cukai Muat naik Perakuan Pendaftaran Seksyen 11 (4) 1 Permohonan secara dalam talian perlu dikemukakan melalui { Klik Di sini } atau 2.
Microsoft account
eDaftar is an application for new taxpayers to register their tax files and to get their tax reference no Notis Pemakluman Bil Upload Perakuan Pendaftaran Seksyen 11 (4) Pemakluman Catatan 1 Bagi pendaftaran fail individu Bagi pendaftaran fail individu.
Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran
info@daftar org Address Embassy of Pakistan Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran 1250 23rd ST NW Washington DC 200 37 If apply in person all supporting documents must be submitted before 11 AM Telephone Numbers (202) 9654990.
Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Washington DC 200 37 Tel (202) 9654990 Fax (202) 9651073 Office Hours Airline Rules for Traveling to Iran Visa in the light of Covid19 If you apply in person must submit your documents before 11 AM Regarding visa to Iran.
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Interests Section of of Iran the Islamic Republic
Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran within the Embassy of Pakistan Includes information on Farsi (Persian) and on various consular matters including visas.