Fajrin Rasyid. Below is the transcript of an interview with Fajrin Rasyid CoFounder and President Bukalapak The interview will play out in CNBC's latest episode of Managing Asia on 06 March 2020 630PM SG Author CNBC Press Release.

Fajrin Rasyid kini menduduki posisi sebagai Direktur Digital Telkom Tak banyak yang tahu kalau ia dulu pernah berjualan mie ayam saat masih kuliah Setiap orang berkesempatan untuk sukses asal mau berusaha pasti ada jalan Seperti kisah Fajri Rasyid yang pernah berjualan mie ayam namun kini sukses menempati jabatan sebagai direktur.
Fajrin Rasyid, Direktur Digital Telkom Dulu Pernah Jualan Mie
Selama tujuh tahun Fajrin Rasyid menjabat sebagai Chief Finance Officer (CFO) dan pada 2018 ia diangkat sebagai President Bukalapak Selaku cofounder Fajrin Rasyid juga memegang sejumlah saham Bukalapak Dalam jenjang pendidikan Fajrin Rasyid melanjutkan pendidikan ke Harvard Business School dan Stanford University Graduate School of Business.
Ini Profil Fajrin Rasyid, Direktur Telkom Berusia 34 Tahun
Muhammad Fajrin Rasyid was selected on March 2016 at the 63rd International Selection Panel in Dubai UAE Muhammad Fajrin Rasyid is the Cofounder and CFO at Bukalapakcom a leading Indonesian online marketplace With more than 700000 sellers and over 10 million products Bukalapak is currently listed as one of biggest ecommerce platforms.
Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid Instagram
Read writing from Fajrin Rasyid on Medium Direktur Digital Business at Telkom Every day Fajrin Rasyid and thousands of other voices read write and share important stories on Medium.
Ceo Bukalapak Fajrin Rasyid Sosok Tepat Isi Pos Direksi Telkom Tribunnews Com Mobile
Tech in Asia Fajrin Rasyid Product Development Conference
Muhammad Fajrin Rasyid – Endeavor Indonesia
CNBC Transcript: Fajrin Rasyid, CoFounder and President
Fajrin Rasyid – Medium
Muhammad Fajrin Rasyid have a new responsibility as Chief of Digital Business and Innovation in Telkom Indonesia as the youngest stateowned enterprise board of executive ever he has the biggest part as a chief to transforming to become digital telco company and pursue the corporate new vision “to be the Most preferred digital Telco to empower the society by orchestrating and build the.