M 400. EOS M 4004 The EOS M 4004 is a metal 3D printer designed for industrial applications The machine has four 400 W fiber lasers and can print a wide range of materials from light metals to stainless and tool steels to superalloys EOS.

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Threephase motor driven by inverter power up to 11 kW Sense of rotation Clockwise and counterclockwise with reversal of rotation at half time of mixing cycle Gyroscopic ratio 1 ÷ 2 Mixing speed 3 speeds (100140180 rpm) automatically selected according to the height of the can Timer for mixing cycle Included.
Large and ultrafast 3D Printer with 4 laser EOS
DevelopmentDesignOperational HistoryVariantsAccidentsSpecificationsSee AlsoExternal LinksOriginsThe project has its origins in the Future International Military Airlifter (FIMA) group which was established in 1982 as a joint venture between Aérospatiale British Aerospace (BAe) Lockheed and MesserschmittBölkowBlohm (MBB) with the goal of developing a replacement for both thDelays and problemsOn 9 January 2009 EADS announced that the first delivery was postponed from 2009 until at least 2012 and indicated that it wanted to renegotiate EADS maintained the first deliveries would begin three years after the first flight In January 2009 Financial Times Deutschland reported that the.
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EOS M 400 Proven DMLS Quality for Industrial Production 12_laser Increased productivity thanks to 1000watt laser power 11_modularity Modular platform with process and setup station 52_construction_space Build volume of 400 x 400 x 400 mm.
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EOS M 400 – the metal 3D printer for large parts
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The M400 is a multiparameter process transmitter for pH/ORP dissolved oxygen dissolved CO2 dissolved ozone and conductivity as well as process gases The M400 offers an intuitive touchscreen paired with 4 soft keys that provides easytouse operation even in environments where gloves are required.