Nama Clan Naruto. Twelve years before the start of the series the NineTails attacked Konohagakure destroying much of the village and taking many livesThe leader of the village the Fourth Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the NineTails into a newborn Naruto UzumakiOrphaned by the attack Naruto was shunned by the villagers who out of fear and anger viewed him as the NineTails itself.

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Naruto Wikipedia
Naruto (Japanese NARUTO ( ナルト )) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto It tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki a young ninja who seeks recognition from his peers and dreams of becoming the Hokage the leader of his village The story is told in two parts – the first set in Naruto‘s preteen years and the second in his teens The series is based.
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Dante Fernandez is a fanfiction author that has written 45 stories for High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Naruto Darksiders Megami Tensei Aliens/Predator Anime Xovers Final Fantasy VII Game Xovers Xovers Godzilla Cthulhu Mythos Warhammer Worm Prototype Bleach Overlord/オーバーロード Overlord Monster Girl Encyclopedia Queen’s Blade/クイーンズブレ.