Net Protein Utilization Adalah. However some plant proteins have produced good results comparable to those achieved with animal proteins For instance it was reported that amaranth had a net protein utilization that was 89% of that of cheese protein and lupine a net protein utilization that was 77% of that of egg protein which is comparable to the value found for beef (78%).
Protein Quality An Overview Sciencedirect Topics from
Net Protein Utilization adalah cara lain yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas protein yang memperhitungkan juga kecernaan protein NPU adalah persentase protein dalam susunan makanan yang diubah menjadi protein tubuh.
Protein – Which is Best?
Net protein utilization (NPU) NPU adalah indeks mutu yang tidak saja memperhatikan jumlah protein yang ditahan akan tetapi juga jumlah yang dicernakan NPU = NB x koefisien kecernaan NPU merupakan perbandingan antara nitrogen yang ditahan dan nitrogen yang dikonsumsi NPU kacang kedelai adalah 61 susu 82 dan telur 94 Protein efficiency ratio (PER).
Net Protein Utilization an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Net Protein Utilization Net protein utilization is similar to the biological value except that it involves a direct measure of retention of absorbed nitrogen Net protein utilization and biological value both measure the same parameter of nitrogen retention however the difference lies in that the biological value is calculated from nitrogen absorbed whereas net protein utilization is from nitrogen ingested Author Jay R Hoffman Michael J FalvoCited by Publish Year 2004.
Protein Quality An Overview Sciencedirect Topics
Cara Menghitung Mutu Protein –
Protein Efficiency Ratio PER dan Net Protein Ratio NPR
Protein efficiency and net protein ratio Amino Acids
The determination of Protein Efficiency and NetProtein Ratio (PER and NPR) are routinely carried out in many laboratories and these ratios are derived from the weight gain of the test animals When the growth method is used PER and NPR are considered as the basic animal experiments But precise information can be drawn only from nitrogen.