Pahal Kencana. Find the cheapest bus tickets from Pahala Kencana Simply enter your point of departure and destination in our search engine choose the travel date and save the fastest bus in the timetable Sort bus routes by price or departure time and compare Pahala Kencana with all companies serving the route How is the bus equipped? Get all the information and check how Pahala.

OverviewHistoryIntercity ServicesCity Bus ServicesFleetPahala Kencana started its business in 1976 serving from Jakarta to Kudus and Solo – Jakarta vice versa The dynamic situation of the business movement spurred Pahala Kencana to continue to expand its marketing operations area to reach several large and small cities in Sumatra Java Madura Bali and Lombok In 1993 the Pahala Kencana Depository Services business was developed which initially only served available operating destinations relying on remaining lugg Text under.
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Pahala Kencana sebagai perusahaan bidang transportasi Otobus didirikan Berlokasi di kota Kudus – Jawa Tengah Pahala Kencana pada masa awalnya melayani rute bus Kudus – Jakarta PP dan Solo – Jakarta PP Di tahuntahun berikutnya bus Pahala Kencana melebarkan layanan dengan menambah rute ke beberapa kota di Pulau Sumatera Bali Madura Lombok.
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Pahala Kencana Wikipedia
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Pahala Kencana: Rezensionen, Fahrpläne und Ticketreservierung
Pahala Kencana is known as one of the top bus companies (PO) in Indonesia Its highquality service was proven in 2017 when Pahala Kencana received an award from Indonesia’s Ministry of Transportation for the fourstar noneconomy intercity and interprovincial (AKAP) bus category Originated from the city of Kudus in Central Java Pahala Kencana has now served more than.