Pt Mitra Care Indonesia. Informasi Lowongan Kerja Administrasi di PT Mitra Care Indonesia terbaru untuk wilayah Semarang Loker Administrasi di PT Mitra Care Indonesia membutuhkan lulusan D3 S1 untuk bekerja secara Full Time.
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Head Office Jl Warung Jati Barat No 41B Kalibata Pancoran Jakarta 12740 Indonesia Phone +622122763190 Fax +62218605785 Website wwwmipcoid Email sales@mipcoid Other Locations.
PTMITRA AUSINDO INDONESIA was established in 4 March 2003 and has helped to shape Batam’s industrial and shipyard landscape throughout the year Although PTMITRA AUSINDO INDONESIA is a newly formed company however we have very strong financial technical and Management capabilities.
Lowongan Kerja Administrasi di PT. Mitra Care Indonesia
Mitra Asia Synergy is positioned to be one of the well known exporter for FMCG in Indonesia We provide consolidation of groceries products repacking shrinkwrapping and labelling In 2013 PT Mitra Asia Synerngy has starting to focus on brand building and distribution of personal care products with national modern trade distribution network.
PT. Mitra Ausindo Indonesia
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Company Mitra Asia
PTMitra Fish Indonesia is engaged in the fisheries sector in Indonesia Initially we were the best local fish supplier in Indonesia but with technological advancements we grew to become an international fish supplier.