Pulau Irian Jaya. The New Guinea Highlands also known as the Central Range or Central Cordillera is a long chain of mountain ranges on the island of New Guinea including the island’s tallest peak Puncak Jaya 16024 ft (4884 m) the highest mountain in OceaniaThe range is home to many intermountain river valleys many of which support thriving agricultural communities.

Sumber Daya Alam Papua Guru Geografi pulau irian jaya
Sumber Daya Alam Papua Guru Geografi from gurugeografi.id

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New Guinea Highlands Wikipedia

Doom Island (Indonesian Pulau Doom or Pulau Dum pronounced “Dom”) is a small island in West Papua IndonesiaIt is administratively part of the city of Sorong specifically the Sorong Islands district The island served as an administrative center of Dutch East Indies administration in Papua and continued to become the core of Sorong for some time before the city grew in.

New Guinea History & Facts Britannica

New Guinea is administratively divided into two parts its western half comprises the Indonesian propinsi (or provinsi provinces) of Papua and West Papua (collectively formerly called Irian Jaya) and its eastern half comprises the major part of Papua New Guinea an independent country since 1975.

Daftar suku bangsa di Papua Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia

PDF file30 Gambar 34 Kawasan HPH di Lima Pulau Utama 19851998 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Sumatera Kalimantan Sulawesi Maluku Irian Jaya Juta ha 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993.

Sumber Daya Alam Papua Guru Geografi

Doom Island Wikipedia

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Suku di Papua adalah sukusuku yang tinggal di pulau Papua mereka satu rumpun dengan penduduk benua Australia asli yaitu suku/orang Aborigin Ilustrasi tahun 1884 Wilayah Indonesia Suku Papua yang berada di Indonesia yang menempati sisi sebelah barat Pulau Papua/Irian Jaya terdiri atas suku bangsa antara lain Arfak Ekari Wamesa Ayamaru Aifat Aitinyo Berikut.