Tipe Stainless Steel. The Three Main Categories of Stainless SteelCommon Types of Austenitic Stainless SteelsFerritic Stainless SteelsMartensitic Stainless SteelWhile there are thousands of different alloys of stainless steel they can all be divided into three broad categories 1 Austenitic Stainless SteelsThese are the most frequently used types of stainless steels Austenitic stainless steels tend to have a high chromium content compared to other steel alloys giving them a higher resistance to corrosion Another common characteristic of austenitic stainless steel alloys is that they tend to be nonmagnetic—though they may become magnetic after cold working 2 Ferritic Stainless SteelsThe second most common form of stainless steel after austenitic alloys As the name implies ferritic stainless steel is magnetic These alloys can be hardened through cold working They also tend to be less expensive because of their reduced nickel content 3 Martensitic Stainless SteelsThe least common category of stainless steel alloy Their corrosion resistance tends to be lower than either ferritic or austenitic alloys but they have a high hardn Grade 304 Stainless Steel The most common variety of stainless steel and one that is frequently used in Marlin Steel’s custom wire basket designs because of its versatility Even among steel alloys grade 304 stainless steel is noteworthy for its high tensile strength—roughly 621 MPa (90 ksi) Like most stainless steels grade 304 has a high maximum operating temperature (about 870˚C) This combination of high tensile strength temperature resistance and corrosion resistance makes grade 304 stainless steel ideal for Grade 316 Stainless Steel Another common variety of austenitic stainless steel grade 316 stainless has a high tensile strength of 579 MPa (84 ksi) and a maximum use temperature of around 800˚C (1472˚F) While having a lower tensile strength and temperature tolerance than grade 304 stainless steel grade 316 stainless has a betterresistance to chlorides (like salt) than 304 alloy does This makes it a preferred choice for any application involving exposure to salt or other chlorides Grade 430 Stainless Steel While not as strong as either of the austenitic alloys highlighted above grade 430 stainless steeldoes have an especially good resistance against nitric acid Although the tensile strength of 450 MPa (65 ksi) is lower than the austenitic stainless steels it’s still more than strong enough for many heavyduty applications Grade 434 Stainless Steel The stronger alternative to grade 430 stainless 434 stainless steel has a tensile strength of 540 MPa (78 ksi) and a maximum operating temperature of 815˚C (1499˚F) This makes grade 434 stainless steel slightly better for hightemperature applications than 316 stainless while being tougher than grade 430 stainless Grade 434 stainless also has excellent pitting resistance compared to 430 grade stainless steel Grade 420 Stainless Steel If annealed grade 420 stainless steel has a tensile strength of around 586 MPa (85 ksi) When hardened and stress relieved this material’s tensile strength jumps to roughly 1586 MPa (230 ksi) While not as chemically resistant as the austenitic and ferritic stainless steels mentioned above grade 420 stainless steel does have good resistance to mild acids water some alkalis and food compounds—which is why it is often used for cutlery When tensile strength and impact resistance are the.

AusteniticFerriticDuplexMartensiticLooking For Stainless Steel Products?The most common types of stainless steels are austenitic stainless steels Compared to other types of stainless steels austenitic stainless steels are extremely high in nickel content Generally they will also contain high amounts of chromium nitrogen and molybdenum Austenitic steels are renowned for their extreme weldability and malleability Commonly used for kitchen cutlery and storage components they also receive a lot of credit for their strength capabilities They typically have very high corrosion resistance This suits them for a variety of uses where a corrosive environment is present Common austenitic stainless steels include alloys 304 and 904L (N08904) The only potential problem with austenitic stainless steel is that it’s expensive Ferritic stainless steelsare stainless steels with low but existing amounts of carbon Generally carbon consistencies in ferritic stainless steels don’t exceed 010% While other minerals can be added to these steels (molybdenum is a common additive) they primarily consist of chromium Ferritic stainless steels are magnetic and are used commonly for their resistance to stress corrosion cracking Because of this they’re often utilized for products that will come into contact with potentially corrosive materials These products include car components kitchen cookware and industrial entities Two of the more common types of ferritic steel are alloys 430 and 434 Duplex stainless steels are essentially combinations of ferritic and austenitic stainless steels Stronger than both ferritic and austenitic stainless steels they possess less nickel than austenitic steels Because of this they are also less expensive than austenitic steels Duplex stainless steel is used heavily in the underwater oil industry This is due mainly to its corrosion resistance capabilities which allow it to withstand the corrosive nature of salt water over long periods of time Fairly malleable and fairly weldable duplex stainless steels can be shaped to create a number of different components Two of the more common typesof duplex stainless steel include S31803 stainless steel and S32205 stainless steel Martensitic stainlesssteels are structurally similar to ferritic stainless steels with the only real differences being their percentages of carbon While carbon percentages in ferritic stainless steel remain below 010% carbon percentages in martensitic stainless steel hover around 1% This difference in carbon percentages is important because it allows for martensitic stainless steels to be hardened to great extents This type of steel is typically used in situations that call for high strength but average resistance to corrosion You’ll often see it used in valves or pumps though it has many more applications aside from these Some martensitic stainless steels include alloy 431 and 420S45 Are you on the search for stainless steel manufacturing products? If so look no further! Great Plains Stainlesshas you covered We offer stainless steel components of all kinds including tubes pipes bars fittings and a variety of other items Delivering to over 50 different countries we can get these components to you in a short amount of time Contact usnow to discuss your stainless steel needs!.
Types of Stainless Steel and Stainless Steel Grades
Jenisjenis Stainless Steel 1 Stainless Steel Martensitic Martensitic memiliki kandungan krom sebanyak 1214% dan karbon sebanyak 0082% Stainless Steel martensitic dibagi lagi ke dalam beberapa tipe yaitu Tipe 410 Tipe ini mempunyai kandungan krom sebanyak 13% dan 015% karbon Penggunaan tipe ini biasanya pada pengerjaan dingin.
What are the Most Common Types of Stainless Steel?
Stainless steel is an ironchromium alloy that contains anywhere from 10 to 30% chromium which gives the metal high resistance to corrosion Although there are many grades of stainless steel only a dozen or so are used with any regularity For example AISI Type 304 SS having a chromiumnickel constituent and low carbon is popular for its good corrosion resistance cleanability and formability making it popular for many everyday items such as kitchen sinks.
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4 Types of Stainless Steel Great Plains Stainless
Jenisjenis Stainless Steel, Keunggulan, dan Aplikasinya
Meuble Jenis – jenis kegunaannya Michafur stainless steel dan
AustenitikFeritikMartensitikStainless Steel ini sering disebut dengan seri 300 dan jenis ini lebih populer dengan 2 jenis lainnya Memiliki komposisi 18% krom dan 8% nikel mangan dan nitrogen di dalamnya Stainless jenis ini adalah yang paling kuat terhadap korosi tahan terhadap asam mampu bertahan dari suhu tinggi ataupun rendah sekalipun dan mudah dibentuk menjadi apapun Austenitik juga terbagi menjadi beberapa tipe yaitu 1 Tipe 301 301L 301LN biasanya digunakan untuk penutup roda kendaraan Penekan atau perenggang rem dan elemen kantor 2 Tipe 302 HQ Biasanya di gunakan untuk membuat skrup paku baut dll 3 Tipe 303 303Se digunakan untuk membuat mur baut bushing serta beberapa komponen listrik 4 Tipe 304 304L 304H digunakan untuk perabotan pengolah makanan dan tempat penyimpanan 5 Tipe 310 310S 310H sering digunakan untuk peralatan masak karena memiliki daya tahan panas tinggi 6 Tipe 316 316L 316H digunakan juga untuk membuat peralatan pengolah mkanan peralatan lab pengha Jenis selanjutnya adalah baja stainless feritik yang memiliki tingkat pencampuran karbon sebesar 105% dan 27% kromium Jenis ini dapat ditarik dengan magnet memiliki resistansi terhadap korosi yang tinggi oleh sebab itu biasa digunakan untuk sistem pembuangan Namun memilki kelamahan saat terkena panas yang tinggi (seperti di las) dapat muncul sensitisasi pada titik yang di las (memudar atau menghilangnya kromium pada daerah tersebut) sehingga lapisan pelindung menjadi rusak dan menimbulkan karat Stainless steel jenis ini memiliki fisik yang lebih kuat untuk bahan konstruksi dan harganya juga cukup murah disbanding dengan jenis austenitik Ada beberapa jenis Feritik yaitu 1 Tipe CR12 Biasa digunakan untuk membuat peralatan transportasi peralatan tambang dsb 2 Tipe 409 biasa di manfaatkan untuk sistem pembuangan otomotif 3 Tipe 430 Biasa di pakai untuk membuat lapisan pencuci piring kompor panel cabinet kulkas atau pendingin Jenis stainless steel martensitik memiliki komposisi kandungan karbon yang lebih tinggi dari jenis lain (antara 01 – 12%) kromium 18% dan bahan tambahan lainnya seperti nolek dan molibdenum Memiliki daya tahan terhadap korosi dan mungkin bisa diolah menjadi lebih kuat daripada baja jenis austenitik ini Ada beberapa jenis martensitic yang kita kenal yaitu 1 Tipe 410 biasanya di gunakan untuk membuat sekrup baut bushing dan katup pompa 2 Tipe 416 digunakan untuk membuat katup pompa baut dan gear 3 Tipe 420 digunakan untuk membuat pisau bedah alatalat lainnya yang sejenis 4 Tipe 431 Biasanya di manfaatkan sebagai balingbaling turbin generator dan alatalat angkatan laut 5 Tipe 440 biasa digunakan untuk membuat bola bearing pisau dengan kualitas tinggi peralatan bedah dan pahat Nah kalian sudah mengerti apa sih stainless steel dan kegunaannya untuk setiap jenisnya Jika kalian ingin furniture yang berkualitas dengan harga terjangkau dan desain premium.