Titanium Elastic Nail. titanium elastic nail studying the complications of 79 §Place of study Bankura West Bengal India During the past few decades some forms of internal fixation in the form of plate fixation rigid intra medullary nailing enders nailing titanium nailing have been advocated but the controversy regarding the ideal implant to treat Author Saikat Sarkar Ranadeb Bandyopadhyay Arindam MukherjeeCited by Publish Year 2013.

TENS Nail (Titanium Elastic Nail) are intended for fixation of diaphyseal fractures where the canal is narrow or flexibility of the implant is paramount TENS Nail also intended to treat metaphyseal and epiphyseal fractures such as radial neck fractures and is intended for fixation of small long bones such as carpal and tarsal bones.
Titanium Elastic Nail System TG
Flexible intramedullary nailing has become a popular method of fixation of pediatric femoral fractures The authors analyzed their first 5year experience with titanium elastic stable intramedullary nailing specifically to report the complications associated with this technique and to provide reco Author Unni G Narayanan Joshua E Hyman Andrew M Wainwright Mercer Rang Benjamin A AlmanCited by Publish Year 2004.
Titanium Elastic Nail Complications in the Treatment of
Nail Selection Titanium elastic nails are available in six diameters 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm and 40 mm The 15 mm diameter nail is 300 mm long The 20 mm through 40 mm diameter nails are 440 mm long The nails are colorcoded for easy identification* Measure the narrowest diameter of the medullary canal with a ruler The proper File Size 1MBPage Count 38.
The Titanium Elastic Nail System Technique Guide
Titanium Elastic Nail Instruments Set contains instruments required for for the management of diaphyseal and certain metaphyseal/ epiphyseal fractures of long bones in children and young adults Features Instruments for fractures of long bones in children and young adults Instruments are organised in general order of use.
Tens Nail Titanium Elastic Nail Feature Benefits Uses Sizes Vast Ortho
Elastic Nail) feature,benefits,uses,Sizes TENS Nail (Titanium
fixation stable intramedullary nail Complications of elastic
Titanium Elastic Nail Instruments Set Features, Images & Set
Titanium Elastic Nail is based on the symmetrical bracing action of two elastic nails inserted into the metaphysis each of which bears against the inner bone at three points This produces the following four properties flexural stability axial stability translational stability and rotational stability All four are File Size 1MBPage Count 32.